The Delegation from Krirk University in Thailand Successfully Completed Their Visit to Our University.

June 20, 2024click:

On June 6, 2024, a delegation of four members from the General Education Department of Faculty of Humanities at Krirk University in Thailand, led by Director Kiattichai Dejpitaksirikul, visited our university. During their visit, they conducted a special lecture on the Thai language study, held a project exchange meeting, and engaged in a discussion on the curriculum and teaching of the Thai language program. Attending the meeting from our university were Lin Na, Deputy Director of Office of International Exchange and Affairs of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and Deputy Dean of School of Foreign Studies (School of International Education), along with relevant faculty members.

On the morning of their visit, a special lecture on the Thai language and a project exchange meeting were held in conference room 101 of Gezhi Building. Deputy Dean Lin Na warmly welcomed Director Kiattichai Dejpitaksirikul and his team, and briefly introduced the delegation from Thailand Krirk University as well as the purpose of the lecture and exchange program to the attending students. Director Kiattichai Dejpitaksirikul focused the lecture on several key areas: investment and environment in Thailand, the market prospects for Chinese brands in Thailand, and career directions for Thai language majors. Our students actively asked specific questions, which were answered one by one by Director Kiattichai Dejpitaksirikul, creating a positive and engaging atmosphere.

Exchange Meeting

Question and Answer Session

In the afternoon, a seminar on Business Thai Course Design and Teaching was held in Room 1509 of the Shixun Building. During the seminar, Deputy Dean Lin Na gave a brief introduction to the undergraduate program of Thai language of our school. Following this, Liang Junping, the head of the Thai language teaching and research office, presented a detailed report on talent training program of 2022 Business Thai language to the delegation from Krirk University. Leaders and teachers from both universities engaged in a lively discussion on the curriculum design and market demands. Director Kiattichai Dejpitaksirikul expressed the hope for in-depth cooperation between the two universities in the areas of Thai language program development and student exchange programs.

Discussion and Exchange Meeting

The visit by the delegation from Krirk University in Thailand not only enhanced the understanding of the Thai business market among our faculty and students and exposed us to diverse educational philosophies but also played a positive role in optimizing the curriculum design of our Thai language program, promoting Sino-Thai cultural exchange, and expanding international cooperation between two universities. (Author: Chen Meng, Li Shuangming; Photographer: Li Yuxia, Qinli ; Proofreader: Li Yuxia; Reviewer: Lin Na)

Group Photo of Participants